本周四(6月17日),大温地区的素里市即将正式启动“素里慢街”(Surrey Slow Streets)试点项目!

市政府表示,“这个试点项目将研究低速度限制如何影响驾驶员行为,并最终影响道路安全。”市长Doug McCallum透露,这项“素里慢街”计划将持续到 2022 年 12 月。
- Thearea of 96 Avenue up to 100 Avenue which includes 100 Avenue from 123A Streetto 127A Street, and 128 Street to west of 123A Street

- Thearea of 75 Avenue and 80 Avenue between 120A Street and 124 Street

- RosemaryHeights Crescent and 40 Avenue between west of 153 Street and 152B Street —east of 156B Street

- Thearea of 56 Avenue (Hwy 10) to 60 Avenue, and between 180 Street and 184 Street

- Thearea of 104 Avenue and 108 Avenue, and between 128 Street and 132 Street

- Thearea of 100 Ave and 104 Avenue, and between 140 Street and 144 Street

此页来自:加拿大新闻网 https://cacnews.ca