- 48小时新闻排行
- 7天新闻排行
年少孩子们的世界总是充满爱心,梦想和色彩。在这个注定不平凡的年份,来自加途未来教育的小小少年们,拿起画笔,用他们的最热爱的方式 – 绘画,表达他们对身边社区的关爱,对一线工作人员的敬意,对未来的期许。 The world of a young child is always filled with love, dreams, and colors. During this time of uncertainness of all around the world, the young artists of Ignite Future Education took the opportunity to spread their love and kindness to the community, and to give their best wishes to all the front line responders through creative art works. 9月4日至9月6日,为期三天的“爱满天下”加途未来少儿公益画展在列治文7880 Alderbridge Way 拉开帷幕,这次活动由加途未来教育公司和列治文医院慈善基金会合作举办,这一次爱心慈善画展所筹的资金,也将捐助至列治文医院慈善基金会。 “Love the Future”Charitable Art Exhibition started on September 4th. The event was organized by Ignite Future Education, and collaborated with Richmond Hospital Foundations. All the funds raised at the exhibition will be donated to the RHF. 活动开幕式邀请到列治文社区议员欧泽光先生出席并致辞,欧议员对活动给与了肯定,并且感谢孩子们小小年纪充满了担当。列治文医院华人社区代表Ms. Shuai GU也出席了本次活动。小画家Jasmine XU和 Ray LI作为小画家代表,受邀也来到画展开幕式现场。可爱的Jasmine今年快要5岁了,她在接受采访时说:“爱满天下是所有的小朋友都可以和爸爸妈妈在一起,还有整个社区都健康平安。” 此次共展出了8幅作品的小画家Ray Li,4岁的面庞充满稚气,他说:“妈妈说大家都要戴口罩,勤洗手,病毒就没有了。” The Richmond Councilor, Mr. Chak Au, attended the opening ceremony and addressed his speech. Mr. Au expressed his gratitude to all the kids who are incredibly young yet also incredibly responsible, as this exhibition strengthened our community bond. Ms. Shuai GU, the Philanthropy Officer, Chinese Community, also joined at the opening. Jasmine XU (5 Years old) and Ray LI (4 Years Old), the representatives of young artists, also attended the opening. Jasmine said that love is where all the kids in the world can stay with their beloved family, and that the whole community is safe and sound. Ray Li, who is only 4 years old, exhibited a total of 8 art pieces at this event, and told us that “Mommy said we should wear face masks and wash our hands. Then the virus will go away very soon.” 活动特别感谢VISM维智,国子煎,BabyenRoute, 给与本次活动的大力支持。VISM维智和国子煎总经理李震宁先生亲自出席了活动开幕仪式并为活动剪彩;位于7800 Alderbridge Way, Richmond的BabyenRoute更是为所有参展小朋友精心准备了奖品和礼物;同样也感谢Hi-Party, Swordfern, Super Mommy Club对活动的支持。 It is highly appreciated “Me and Crepe”, VISM, BabyenRoute Richmond who gave special support to this event. Mr. Li, the president of VISM and Me and Crepe, attended the grand opening. Babyenroute, which is located at 7800 Alderbridge Way, Richmond, prepared gifts to all young artists. There are also other business organizations that provided support to this event, Swordfern, and Super Mommy Club. 此次活动持续3天,9月4日至6日,吸引了很多家长和孩子前去观赏。主办方严格遵守BC 最新的卫生及社交距离要求,为每一位到场的观展者提供口罩,手部消毒,控制入场人数。这次活动参展作品,都得到了Spring Art Club 专业指导老师Ms. Shen的亲自指导。 This charitable event exhibited for 3 days from September 4th to 6th. The event planner reinforced all participants to follow a strict social distancing practice in accordance to the latest BC Healthy Guidelines. All the participants must have a facemask on, and sanitize their hands before entering. All the artworks had gotten the professional guidance from Ms. Shen, the art instructor from Spring Art Club. 在加途未来教育,我们相信每一个孩子都有自己独特的方式,去表达关爱和善意。 At Ignite Future Education, we encourage all the kids to share their kindness and love to the world through their own unique ways. We believe that together, we can ignite the future. |
重磅! 加拿大移民新政 清理"低端外劳" 留学生也受影响 下周生效!
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