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2013-12-4 12:02| 发布者: Chris| 查看: 19710| 评论: 0|原作者: 丁玫|来自: 新航线英文学院

Sentence Structure

Agreement of Subject and Verb


1. Intervening expression 主语的修饰成分不应影响谓语动词的单复数。

Incorrect: The evidence which they submitted to the judges were convincing. (evidence 的主语,which they submitted to the judges是修饰evidence的定语从句)

Corrected: The evidence which they submitted to the judges was convincing.

Incorrect: My dog, as well as my cats, like cat food. (My dog 是动词like 的主语,as well as 是修饰成分)

Corrected: My dog, as well as my cats, likes cat food.

IncorrectMy uncle, along with his three daughters, were on the way back to Toronto.(Along with My uncle的修饰成分,本句的主语只是my uncle一个人)

Corrected: My uncle, along with his three daughters, was on the way back to Toronto.

2Indefinite Pronounce.泛指代词each and every

The indefinite pronounce or adjectives each and every as well as such compounds as everybody, anybody, everyone, anyone are always singular. None may be singular or plural.

见到each , every 以及复合代词everybody, anybody, everyone, anyone谓语动词均为单数。

Incorrect: Every bud, stalk, flower, and seed reveal a workmanship beyond the power of man.(every后无论有多少个名词跟在后面,谓语均是单数)

Corrected: Every bud, stalk, flower, and seed reveals a workmanship beyond the power of man.

Incorrect: Each of the students are required to take the final exam.(虽然中文为每一个学生都要参加期末考试, 表示全体。但是each of the students在语法上是单数概念)

Corrected: Each of the students is required to take the final exam.

3 either, neither, some of, two thirds of plus nouns动词单复数的选择。

Incorrect: Neither of those governments consider the individual important.(neither of those government表示任何一个政府,是单数概念)

Corrected: Neither of those governments considers the individual important

Either---or 谓语的单复数的形式取决于or后面的名词的单复数形式

Either the coach or the players are at fault.

Either the players or the coach is at fault.

Neither--- nor 的用法道理相同)

Some of和分数后动词单复数由of后面的名词决定。

Some of the book is worth reading.

Some of the books are worth reading

Two-thirds of the money is mine.

Two-thirds of my friends are attending my birthday party.

4. There Be 的用法:

In some sentences the verb precedes the subject. This reversal of common order frequently leads to error in agreement.

There be 的句型中be动词的单复数由后面的名词决定。

Incorrect: There are in many countries much unrest today. (Unrest是本句的真实主语)

CorrectedThere is in many countries much unrest today.

There are a record and a tape of the classic music in the listening lab.

There is a book on the shelf.

5. Nouns that end with-s- -s-结尾的名词

a. Nouns Plural in Form but Singular in Meaning, such as news; mathematics; diabetes; shambles, whereabouts


Measles is a contagious disease.

Mathematics is easy for her.

b. Plural nouns denoting a mass, a quantity, or a number require a singular verb when the subject is regarded as a unit.


Five hundred miles is too far to travel.

One thousand dollars is too much to ask for his contribution to the project.

Eight hours of sleep is not enough for a baby.

6. Compound Subjects 复合式主语

When nouns joined by and are thought of as a unit, the verb is normally singular:


Butter and bread is the typical English breakfast.

My friend and coworker Jessica has found an ideal husband.


7. Collective Nouns 团体名词

Nouns that are singular in form but plural in meaning. This kind of nouns includes such words as team, class, committee, audience, crowd, crew. These nouns may take either a singular or plural verb. If you are thinking of the group as a unit, use a singular verb; if you are thinking of the individual members of the group, use a plural verb.

team, class, committee, audience, crowd, crew等这一类表示集体的名词后的动词单复数取决于它是表示群体还是表示群体中的成员。

The crew is striking for higher pay. (The crew代表一个整体单位,所以是单数概念)

The crew are writing reports of the accidents. (The crew代表单位中的全体成员,所以是复数 概念)

8. People, police and cattle 并不以-s结尾, 但它们是复数名词,谓语动词要用复数。

Cattle are domestic animals.

The police have been called.








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