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综合美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)、英国广播公司(BBC)报导,针对俄罗斯部队在乌克兰的行径,美国总统拜登昨(12)日首度指责俄罗斯在乌克兰进行”种族灭绝”(genocide)。他在爱阿华州首府狄蒙(DesMoines)的停机坪上表示:”我称之为种族灭绝,因为愈来愈明显,普京试着消除甚至只是当乌克兰人的想法。” "Yes, I called itgenocide because it's become clearer and clearer that Putin is justtrying to wipe out the idea of even being Ukrainian," PresidentBiden tells reporters, saying more evidence has emerged and callingit "a horrible thing that the Russians have done in Ukraine." 他说愈来愈多证据浮出,”俄罗斯人在乌克兰所做的可怕事情”,不过他也表示将交由律师决定是否构成种族灭绝。 For the firsttime, Pres. Biden uses the term "genocide" to describe Putin'sactions in Ukraine. 拜登先前避免用”种族灭绝”、”大屠杀”等字眼形容乌克兰惨况,当时白宫国安顾问苏利文(JakeSullivan)称”尚未到达种族灭绝的程度”。 True words of atrue leader @POTUS. Callingthings by their names is essential to stand up to evil. We aregrateful for US assistance provided so far and we urgently needmore heavy weapons to prevent further Russian atrocities. |
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