- 48小时新闻排行
- 7天新闻排行
Extremeturbulence in a flight between Mumbai to Durgapur. I can feelwhat's going on in the minds of passengers when oxygen masks arecoming down. Anatomy of a neardisaster. What happened to @flyspicejetFlight 945 which resulted in severe passenger injuries and damageto the aircraft? I am a #SpaceWeather guy but here's a thread of my analysis on weathercloser to home for @DGCAIndia+ @JM_Scindiahttps://t.co/hdDeCAfMIZ 印度近日发生1起客机故障事件,1架载有200人的客机,在降落前突然发生故障,导致机上17人受到重伤,有乘客受访说,事发时飞机好像”掉下100层楼”,让大家都吓坏了。 |
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