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日本名古屋一家初创公司生产出了全世界最小的便携式马桶,可以轻松放进口袋或化妆包,在你内急却又没有厕所时,这种口袋马桶可以救你一命。 Credit: Kokenawa Inc. Kokenawa Inc., a startup based in Nagoya, Japan, produces the Pocketoilet, the world’s smallest portable toilet and a real life-saver when nature calls. 日本名古屋的初创企业Kokenawa公司生产出了全世界最小的便携式马桶“口袋马桶”,在你内急时可以救你一命。 When you gotta go, you gotta go, but what if there’s nowhere to go? We hardly ever give the humble toilet a second thought in our day-to-day lives, but most of us could hardly imagine our lives without it. In war-torn regions and areas affected by natural disasters toilets are among the most sought-after amenities, but apart from insufficient portable toilets and unhygienic latrines, there aren’t too many options. Actually, there is also the Pocketoilet, a packet measuring 7 centimeters tall and 6.5 cm wide that can fit in virtually any pocket or purse. 当你内急时肯定要上厕所,但如果没有厕所怎么办?我们在日常生活中很少会想起马桶,但多数人都无法想象没有马桶的生活。在战乱地区和遭受自然灾害的地区,马桶是最急缺的便利设施,但是除了数量不足的便携式马桶和不卫生的公共厕所,并没有太多其他选择。事实上,还有口袋马桶可供选择,这种马桶包长7厘米宽6.5厘米,可以装进几乎任何口袋或手提包。 30-year-old Yoshinori Kokenawa, the founder of Kokenawa Inc., came up with the idea for the Pocketoilet in 2019, while volunteering in the city of Nagano which had been devasted by Typhoon Hagibis. One of the first things he noticed was the long lines of people waiting in front of conventional portable toilets. 现年30岁的Kokenawa公司创始人古手川义则2019年在遭受台风“海贝思”重创的长野市做志愿者时,萌生了口袋马桶这个创意。当时他最先注意到的一件事就是在传统便携式马桶前大排长龙的人们。 "Even though people were working as fast as they could to get the area back on its feet, they had to line up 30 minutes or more every time they used the bathroom,” Kokenawa recalled. “I wanted to do something about this.” 古手川义则回忆道:“即使人们尽可能快地使用马桶,他们每次想用马桶也都要排队30分钟以上。我想做点事情改善这一情况。” Credit: Kokenawa Inc. In December of 2020, Kokenawa’s company launched the Pocketoilet, a tiny portable toilet that can be used virtually anywhere. It consists of a bag made of special, durable fibers and a packet of coagulant. The bag can be affixed to a toilet seat or even a trash can, and tests by the company have found that almost no odor emanates from one of the bags when left indoors with feces inside it for a week. 2020年12月,古手川义则的公司推出了口袋马桶,这种微型便携式马桶几乎可以在任何地方使用。该产品包括一个用特殊的耐用纤维制作的袋子和一包促凝剂。这个袋子可以固定在一个马桶座椅甚至一个垃圾桶上,该公司经测试发现,装有粪便的袋子放在室内一周也几乎不会散发出臭味。 "They can fit even in a woman’s makeup bag, so we hope people will carry them with ease,” Kokenawa said, adding that his company has so far sold about 50,000 Pocketoilets. 古手川义则说:“这种马桶甚至可以装进女性的化妆包,我们希望人们都能轻松携带。”他补充道,他的公司迄今为止已经售出了约5万个口袋马桶。 英文来源:Oddity Central 翻译&编辑:丹妮 |