- 48小时新闻排行
- 7天新闻排行
Indian air forcesearches for remainder of group consisting of 34 mountaineeringtrainees and seven instructorsAt least four people died and severalothers were missing in the Indian Himalayas after a group of 41mountaineers was hit by an... https://t.co/wW0idlbaVC At least 10trainee mountaineers died Tuesday after being swept away by anavalanche in the Himalayas in northern India, media reports said,as rescuers searched for 11 others missing. https://t.co/trNLQOqGwe 印度一支41人登山学校登山队昨(4)日攀爬喜马拉雅山时遇上雪崩,至今至少酿成10人死亡、11人失踪,印度官员表示,这是印度登山史上,第一次有如此大规模的登山学员在雪崩中丧命。 |
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