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中国城市上海封城后造成的物资短缺等危机给其他地区的民众敲响警钟。北京近日出现疫情蔓延迹象,政府4月25日起开始对上百万民众进行新冠检测。在上海的前车之鉴下,许多北京市民涌入超市抢购物资,以应对可能出现的封城。 Remember this thenext time you hear that the Chinese people are ‘content’ withcorrupt, brutish & incompetent Communist rulers. Far from it.https://t.co/fEL86Ji1fs 彭博社专栏作家任淑莉表示:“中国的审查员们正加倍努力封杀上百条(四月之声)视频的链接和记录上海封城的文章。上海不是西安或是吉林省。我们不会被噤声。” China’s censor ison overdrive, blocking hundreds of links to videos and articlesdocumenting the Shanghai lockdown. 旅居日本的前中国央视记者、主持人王志安认为:“话说一向温和的上海这一次表现出来的不服从,还挺令人佩服的。而且还留下了类似四月之声,2022上海晚春这样的记录作品。上海是中国的希望。” 有些人认为上海是因为动态清零做的不好才会有那么多人道灾难,我不这么认为。我觉得其他地方的灾难不会比上海少,只不过声音没有发出来而已。话说一向温和的上海这一次表现出来的不服从,还挺令人佩服的。而且还留下了类似四月之声,2022上海晚春这样的记录作品。上海是中国的希望。 上海晚春是另一部近日走红网络的短片,记录了上海封城后民众生活的困难状况。 The horrifyingsituation in Shanghai reminded me of an interesting chat I had witha US law school-educated Chinese lawyer. I asked her if she knowsabout what's happening in Xinjiang. She said she gets notificationsfrom western media outlets but the western media is biased. 但上海民众的怒火并未带来管制的放松。相反,过去几天里,上海一些小区出现了“硬隔离”的现象:居民楼入口被栏杆围堵,禁止住户自由进出。 WeChat having abigger moment than the night li wenliang died. Will it turn intosomething more than digital anger and protest this time? “大概不会,” 《外交政策》副编辑詹姆斯·帕尔默(JamesPalmer)回复说。“就算是被审查的网上抗议实际上也是作为一个阀门,防止真正的危险形成。” Probably not!Sometimes I think that the existence of even *censored* digitalprotest actually acts as a valve that prevents actual dangers fromforming. https://t.co/xMQRq1GafE 人权观察中国部高级研究员王亚秋也同意:“我年纪足够大,还记得过去许多网络上的呐喊最终都销声了。表达愤怒和悲伤是不够的。抗议必须由诉求开始。我们离挑战共产党的统治还很远。” I'm old enough toremember the many internet outcries turning into poofs. Expressinganger and sadness is not enough. A protest must start with ademand. We are far from any kind of challenge to the CCP's rule.1/2 https://t.co/wCl10Hyn34 |
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