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Justin Trudeau: “So I thought it might be fun for us to do this again. Every morning I’ve woken up as prime minister. I’ve been inspired by the resilience, the generosity and the determination of Canadians. It is the driving force of every single day I have the privilege of serving in this office. That is why since 2015, I’ve fought for this country, for you to strengthen and grow the middle class. Why we rallied to support each other through the pandemic, to advance reconciliation, to defend free trade on this continent, to stand strong with Ukraine and our democracy, and to fight climate change and get our economy ready for the future. We are at a critical moment in the world. My friends, as you all know, I’m a fighter. Every bone in my body has always told me to fight because I care deeply about Canadians, I care deeply about this country, and I will always be motivated by what is in the best interests of Canadians. And the fact is, despite best efforts to work through it, Parliament has been paralyzed for months after what has been the longest session of a minority parliament in Canadian history. That’s why this morning I advised the Governor-General that we need a new session of Parliament. She has granted this request and the House will now be prorogued until March 24th. Over the holidays, I’ve also had a chance to reflect and have had long talks with my family about our future. Throughout the course of my career, any success I have personally achieved has been because of their support and with their encouragement. So last night over dinner, I told my kids about the decision that I’m sharing with you today. I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next leader through a robust nationwide competitive process. Last night, I asked the president of the Liberal Party to begin that process. This country deserves a real choice in the next election, and it has become clear to me that if I’m having to fight internal battles, I cannot be the best option in that election. The Liberal Party of Canada is an important institution in the history of our great country and democracy. A new prime minister and leader of the Liberal Party will carry its values and ideals into that next election. I’m excited to see the process unfold in the months ahead. We were elected for the third time in 2021 to strengthen the economy post-pandemic and advance Canada’s interests in a complicated world, and that is exactly the job that I and we will continue to do for Canadians.” 贾斯廷·特鲁多: “我想,也许我们可以再次做些有趣的事情。每天早晨,当我以总理的身份醒来时,我都会被加拿大人展现出的韧性、慷慨和决心所激励。这是我在这个职位上每天工作的动力所在。这也是为什么自2015年以来,我为这个国家而奋斗,为了你们,为了加强和壮大中产阶级。这也是为什么我们在疫情期间团结互助,为推进和解而努力,为维护北美自由贸易而奋斗,为支持乌克兰和我们的民主而坚守,并为应对气候变化、为经济未来做好准备而努力。当前,世界正处于一个关键时刻。 朋友们,正如你们所知,我是一个斗士。我的每一根骨头都告诉我要战斗,因为我对加拿大人充满深深的关怀,对这个国家充满深深的热爱,我将永远以加拿大人的最大利益为动力。事实上,尽管我们付出了最大的努力试图解决问题,但议会在经历了加拿大历史上最长的少数政府会议后,已经瘫痪了数月。这就是为什么今天早晨,我建议总督开启新的议会会议。她已经批准了这一请求,议会将休会至3月24日。 在假期期间,我也有机会反思,并与我的家人进行了长时间的谈话,讨论我们的未来。在我的职业生涯中,我个人取得的任何成就都离不开他们的支持和鼓励。所以,昨晚的晚餐时间,我把今天要与你们分享的决定告诉了我的孩子们。我计划在党通过全国范围内的竞争性程序选出下一任领导人后,辞去党魁和总理职务。昨晚,我已经要求自由党主席启动这一程序。在下一次选举中,这个国家需要一个真正的选择,而我已经认识到,如果我必须应对党内的争斗,我将无法成为选举中的最佳选择。 加拿大自由党是我们伟大国家和民主历史中的一个重要机构。新的总理和自由党领袖将带着自由党的价值观和理想走向下一次选举。我很期待在未来几个月看到这一过程的展开。我们在2021年第三次当选,是为了在疫情后振兴经济并在复杂的世界中推进加拿大的利益,而这正是我和我们将继续为加拿大人做的工作。” |