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看看本地媒体的分析:The Globe and Mail: The rise and fall of the ethnic mall 文章分析得非常到位,加拿大华人的mall饱和了,且资金不足,建商试图把单元卖给业主,而不是租,售不出去就没有钱开工,恶性循环。 老外开发的MALL 多半用REIT的钱建起来,出租。华人发现盖CONDO卖楼花的方式可以应用在这里,于是就有了商业楼花这朵奇葩。 在这篇2012年的文章里,大多伦多万锦著名的“王府井”King Square ( Woodbine and 16th Avenue)被点了名。 现在是2014年,“王”与2102年6月的情况一样,还是个“坑”。。 思之已甚,行者当戒:看到铺天盖地广告宣传的项目,一定不要跟。 One of the only projects currently underway is King Square – a million-square-foot Chinese mall at Woodbine and 16th Avenue. Construction began in March, according to a receptionist at the project’s head office, but it’s been a long time coming. “It had several false starts,” said Dr. Wang. “They had a groundbreaking ceremony a few years ago.”
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