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当地时间8日晚,加拿大渥太华警方发布公告称,加拿大最高法院大法官克莱蒙特·加斯康(Clément Gascon)失踪,请求民众帮助寻找。 据加拿大广播公司(CBC)报道,当地时间8日下午1点20分左右,加斯康最后一次被人看见出现在渥太华惠灵顿街。加拿大警方表示,初步排除了遭遇绑架的可能性,但失踪原因仍旧未知,目前已发布公告寻求民众帮助。 CBC News Alerts ✔ @CBCAlerts · 18h Replying to @CBCAlerts Update: Judge Gascon was last seen around 1:20 pm ET this afternoon in the 300 block of Wellington Street heading southwest. Ottawa Police say there is no indication of foul play or a crime scene. The case is not being treated as a criminal investigation at the moment. #cdnpoli CBC News Alerts ✔ @CBCAlerts Update: Ottawa Police say Supreme Court Justice Clément Gascon has been safely located. Story will be updated here: http://cbc.ca/1.5128783 #cdnpoli 102 6:10 PM - May 8, 2019 Twitter Ads info and privacy Ottawa Police issue bulletin for missing Supreme Court Justice Clément Gascon | CBC News Ottawa Police are asking for the public’s help in locating Supreme Court Justice Clément Gascon, who announced his retirement from the top court earlier this year. cbc.ca 80 people are talking about this 据了解,加斯康曾申请退休,最终决定于今年9月15日卸任最高法院大法官职位。 加斯康于1960年出生在蒙特利尔,曾在魁北克大学和麦吉尔大学教授“商法”、“劳动法”和“建筑法”。他于2002年就任魁北克地区高等法院法官,2012年起被任命为加拿大最高法院大法官。 加拿大最高法院是拥有加拿大最高司法管辖权的法院,目前有9位大法官。大法官是由加拿大总理提名后再由加拿大总督委任,一般到75岁会被强制退休。
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