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最新研究发现,美国加州将迎来史上最昂贵的毁灭性洪灾,损失恐高达1兆美元,届时加州大片低洼地带将沦为广大的内陆海,摧毁中央谷地、洛杉矶、橘郡等地。 Special WeatherWest report on new research into the rising risk of a California#megaflood in a warming climate, based on a new paper out todaypublished by @xingyhuangand me. Detailed thread to follow. #CAwx #CAflood #ClimateChange #ARkStorm2https://t.co/P0tajwHteX 研究指出,这类大水灾将导致加州低洼地带变成”广大的内陆海”,不过专家进一步警告,气候变迁正提升这类毁灭性天灾发生的机率,有可能每25至50年就会发生一次。 A new study saysthat as the Earth warms, a massive California flood gets morelikely — one that would swamp Los Angeles, displace millions andcause historic damage. pic.twitter.com/LoHRjKjDNf 研究预估,中央谷地若爆发水患,将有可能成为至今最昂贵的地球物理灾难,最高有可能损失1兆美元,并且毁灭包括洛杉矶、橘郡在内等低洼地带,届时灾损将是2005年飓风卡崔娜(HurricaneKatrina)的5倍,研究指出,在现代加州发生这样的洪患事件,有可能超越一次大地震引发的损失。 JUST IN: Aharrowing new study finds that the risk of a terrible flood inCalifornia, even worse than the Great Flood of 1862 when stormskept arriving for 43 days, has intensified amid global warming,sprawling development and wildfires. https://t.co/B2mvJNYAC2 这场大水灾夺走4000条人命,1/3资产被毁、1/4牛只溺毙,摧毁加州1/4经济导致破产。 |
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