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俄罗斯总统普丁动员部分民众前往乌克兰作战,除了引发示威抗议外,当地更出现极端行为,一名男子因为没有军事经验的友人接到入伍令,让他气得直冲入伍办公室开枪,把指挥官轰成重伤、性命垂危,画面显示男子开枪后,办公室人员吓到尖叫逃窜,据信男子开枪前大喊:「没人要去那里。」 Video of aRussian man opening fire and killing the military commandant in adraft centre in the city of úst-Ilimsk in Irkutsk region. Themilitary commandant was the head of the local draft committee. Hehas died, according to reports. pic.twitter.com/knnWNJxE9Y 综合路透社、“莫斯科时报”(The MoscowTimes)报导,俄罗斯一名男子今(26)日前往西伯利亚伊尔库次克(Irkutsk)地区的入伍办公室开枪,画面显示一名穿着迷彩服的男子在办公室内近距离对指挥官开枪,影片中可听见1声枪响,办公室其余人员一边尖叫、一边逃窜。 Video of thepurported shooter. 25-year-old local who was reportedly extremelyagitated after his best friend got called up to army. He had notreceived his call-up papers. He had told his mother this morning hewas going to draft center to volunteer, reports АSTRA. pic.twitter.com/lvPILuZ2FG 齐宁的母亲透露,虽然官方称只会征招有军事经验的预备役人员,但是齐宁一名没有军事经验的朋友仍收到入伍令,这让他“非常愤怒”。 Audio from a@BaikalPeoplewitness at the shooting of the military commandant: officialgathered those being drafted, “started explaining everythingclumsily, some guy walked out of line and said ‘nobody’s goinganywhere.’ And then I heard 3 shots.” 英国《卫报》(The Guardian)驻莫斯科记者罗斯(Andrew Roth)发布推文指出,有目击者说听到3声枪响。 |
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